Cases and manuals

Section for those who use AlterCPA products. Instructions and manuals with which setting up your business infrastructure in affiliate marketing will be faster and more efficient.

Creating simple logistics service

Creating simple logistics service

There are two ways to add your logistics to AlterCPA – through hacks or the standard delivery service. The hack option is more powerful, more serious, but requires an understanding of how the platform works. But through the standard delivery service, you can link everything using three URLs and any convenient implementation in your favorite language without interfering with the code of the system itself. It means such a thing is also available in the free AlterCPA Moe.

Checklist: preparing AlterCPA for DDoS attacks

Checklist: preparing AlterCPA for DDoS attacks

There is no perfect DDoS protection. Accept this fact, because if they really want to drop you, they will drop you – there are no financial restrictions in our industry. Our task is to minimize losses and make it as difficult as possible for our opponent to attack. But accept this right away: you won’t be able to survive with totally no losses. But we’ll try …

How an affiliate network can increase the LTV of their affiliates

How an affiliate network can increase the LTV of their affiliates

For the majority of affiliate networks, attracting affiliates is a huge headache. I have already published a lot of materials on this topic, and so has my team helps networks with marketing. Today we will look at a related problem – how to retain affiliates by making money on their traffic for many months and years.

Checklist: making your affiliate network attractive to marketers

Checklist: making your affiliate network attractive to marketers

As the creator of an affiliate network platform engine, I regularly communicate with dozens of creators of these businesses. And, to my deep dissatisfaction, I understand that they do not apply even half of the points that will be discussed. I would like to ask you to delve into each point, because there is nothing critically difficult in creating a successful affiliate program if you use the right approach and tick all 7 points on today’s checklist.

Checklist: CloudFlare under DDoS attack

Checklist: CloudFlare under DDoS attack

Is your site under DDoS attack? Immediately go under the cat! This article will help you quickly get your site up and running if it’s under DDoS attack, but you’ve wisely covered it up with CloudFlare. If this has not already been done, your zero step should be transferring the domain to CloudFlare.

Choosing server for the network and team

Choosing server for the network and team

The infrastructure of affiliate networks and large arbitrage teams is very similar to each other. Both of them need to connect a lot of buyers, distribute traffic between different advertisers with different rates, track and transmit conversion statuses, and much more. Certainly there are differences. But basically, the infrastructure is similar and the server system is also identical. In this article, we will deal with servers. Yes, there will be more than one server.

Create affiliate support department

Create affiliate support department

The final love or hatred for the affiliate network will depend on 90% of the support and affiliate managers who communicate with the aff almost daily. In this article, I will give a dozen practical tips that, I hope, will help you build a support department for a healthy person. Or fix the current one, if you already have an active affiliate program, but you notice that too many affiliates fall off for no reason.

Funnels and where they live

Funnels and where they live

Funnel, crypto-offer, crypto – it is an analogue of a native and understandable product offer, but with its own small specifics. When working with crypto-offers, it is important to correctly identify the funnels and correlate them with the entities of the created offers. Unlike a product, where the dick extender cream of a specific name remains the same in any affiliate program, the same names for crypto do not always guarantee that this is the same offer. How to figure it out if you can not rely on the names?

Affiliate network marketing anticase

Affiliate network marketing anticase

In the fall, I talked about affiliate marketing in this article. One of the messages was that targeting is significantly inferior to content marketing in terms of effectiveness. There are several reasons, but the main …

Autologin URL: no save no cheat

Autologin URL: no save no cheat

In this article, I again want to such a part of the process of sending leads of crypto traffic as an autologin link. What it is? When the lead clicked on the ad, read the success story on the pre-lander, went to the landing page and left his or her registration data there, they go to the broker via the API. The broker, in turn, returns the autologin link that the user uses to get into his personal account inside the Elon Musk System. The link only lives for a couple of minutes, and it is necessary for the lead to follow it right at the moment of its creation.

How to kill an affiliate network with DDoS and how to protect

How to kill an affiliate network with DDoS and how to protect

Do you want to kill a competing affiliate network on a couple of days? Or do you want to multiply the risks of getting such a bullet into the server? A DDoS attack puts the server down due to the huge flow of requests. The method is not new and there are many supposedly “methods” of protection. The most common is CloudFlare. But it won’t help you, and here’s why…

Content marketing for affiliate network

Content marketing for affiliate network

Conventional advertising tells a person: “Look what a product! Beautiful, profitable, just a dream”. Content marketing is much more subtle, more elegant. First, we give a person interesting content that is useful to him or at least interesting. And already inside this content, with varying degrees of sophistication, we talk about the product.

How to build a call center

How to build a call center

I’m sure if you see how packs of leads fall into trash, and it’s harder to wait for approval than real innovations in iPhones, then you conclude that call center employees are crooked stutterers who can’t sell anything to your hot leads.

Healthy marketing for your affiliate network

Healthy marketing for your affiliate network

Affiliate programs that were created three to five years ago and managed to survive are now doing relatively well with the base of affiliates. Due to the crazy variety of affiliate programs, many scam stories and fierce market dynamics, 99% of new networks close in the first six months. They don’t have a media resource, they don’t have good marketing, and as a result, they don’t have affs. And how to attract publishers?

Life hacks: how to catch a frauder

Life hacks: how to catch a frauder

There is no perfect protection against fraudsters. It will always be a race to see who is smarter and more cunning. Our task is to make it so difficult, hemorrhoid and risky to deceive and pharm that the vast majority will simply be killed. Or they will go to another affiliate network, where there is less smart leadership.