Before integration, check if your network is in the list of partner networks with a unique platform. If the network is not found, try to identify CRM using our little memo.

  1. Platform500. Documentation is sent in PDF and is accompanied by several php files. The document has the heading Platform500 Affiliate API. Domain contains platform500. The lead submission link is similar to backend/api/v1/affiliates/leads. Checking statuses is carried out by links /backend/api/v1/affiliates/leads and /backend/api/v1/affiliates/conversions.
  2. IREV. Documentation is sent in PDF and is accompanied by several php files. The document has the heading IREV Affiliate API. Domain contains irev. The lead submission link is similar to backend/api/v1/affiliates/leads. Checking statuses is carried out by links /backend/api/v1/affiliates/leads and /backend/api/v1/affiliates/conversions.
  3. IREV (LD Lite). The IREV subtype. Documentation is sent in PDF. The document has the heading IREV LD Lite Affiliate API v.2. Domain contains irev. The link for sending leads and checking statuses is similar to /api/affiliates/v2/leads. When checking statuses, the goal_type_uuid field is used.
  4. TrackBox. The documentation has the word TrackBox. The link to the documentation in the title says Trackbox API. The headers use the login and password in the x-trackbox-xxx parameters.
  5. FX Top Tech. In the personal account in the lower left corner it says FX TopTech. The terms of reference for connection contain URL, OwnerID, AffiliateID and Password.
  6. Falcon / EcoSales / Natalia. The documentation is thrown off in Google Docs. Sometimes the title contains the word Falcon, but most often the document is called Affiliate API. The connection password starts with Az#. The client ID is passed in the profileUUID field.
  7. JagCRM. The Falcon subtype, which uses in the address, differs from the classic Falcon by the presence of Api/affiliate/V1 in links.
  8. GetLinked. Documentation is sent in PDF. The lead submission link is similar to /api/v1/signups/add.php. Receiving identifiers goes through the signupRequestID field. The list of fields to send contains offerName and offerWebsite.
  9. GetLinked v.2. The second version of GetLinked. The key difference is the lead submission link, which is similar to /api/v2/leads. Receiving identifiers goes through the field ID.
  10. GetLinked v.0. Documentation is sent in PDF. Lead sending link is similar to /api/public/v0/signup, status checks - /api/public/v0/leads. Working mostly via domain.
  11. UTip Lead. The documentation has the title UtipOffice. Lead sending link is similar to /api/v_2/CRM/CreateLead, status checks - /api/v_2/CRM/GetClientInfo. The send code contains rand_param. The list of fields contains: client_desk_id, campaign_id, tag_1, tag_2.
  12. UTip Client. Lead sending link is similar to /api/v_2/crm/CreateClient, status checks - /api/v_2/crm/GetClientInfo. The send code contains rand_param. The list of fields contains: desk_id, status_id.
  13. UTip LeadGen. The documentation has the title UTIP Lead Generator API Documentation (v3.0). The link for sending leads and checking statuses is similar to /api/v3/affiliates/XXXXX/clients, where XXXXX is a identifier of the affiliate. The list of fields contains: clientDeskId, createTrader, autologin.
  14. UlltraCRM. The work will be done through the domain, brand_uuid is present in the data list.
  15. ForexCats. Documentation is sent in PDF. The document has the heading ForexCats API documentation.
  16. ClickOut. Documentation is sent to Google Docs. The title is The lead submission link looks like /api/publisher/lead.
  17. 13 Buyers. There is no complete documentation, all data is thrown off by a message. The lead submission link is similar to /api/leads. Fields user_id, source, email and password are provided for customization.
  18. Profit Center FX. Access to the documentation is given by IP. The lead submission link looks like /crm/create_lead. Often there is a subdomain ccapi.
  19. AffiGate. Documentation is sent in PDF. The link for submitting new leads contains /rpc.
  20. ArionFX. Documentation in Postman. The lead submission link contails /affiliates/leads. The documentation uses the domain. There is an authorization token in the terms of reference for connection.
  21. ArionFX v.2. Data for integration is sent in the message. The link for sending leads and checking statuses is similar to /api/affiliate/leads.
  22. Puma. Documentation in Postman. To send new leads, the Register Client method is used, the link looks like /api/affilator. The list of fields to send contains AffilateID. The client ID is obtained in the clientID.
  23. field
  24. I-Tech. Access to the documentation is given by IP. The URL for adding leads in the documentation is similar to /v1/affiliate/users/register.
  25. LeadGreed. Documentation is sent in PDF, sometimes in Postman. The link for submitting new leads contains /leads. The list of fields to send contains funnel, affid, hitid. Often is called Digit with domain.
  26. Genesis. A link is provided to the documentation. The address for adding leads contains /leads. The list of fields to send contains division_name and division_url.
  27. Traffle. Documentation in Postman. The address for adding leads contains /createlead. The list of fields to send contains aff_id, funnelname.
  28. DrTracker / DrMailer. The documentation has a link of the type, the address of adding leads in the documentation is similar to /repost.php?act=register.
  29. W-Square. Data for integration is sent in the message, also provide a link to the documentation. The lead submission link is similar to /users/ajax/XXXXX, where XXXXX is a hash. The status checks link looks like /v2/download.
  30. CareCorp. Documentation is in the personal account. Lead sending link is similar to /api/lead/add, status checks - /api/lead/get/statuses. Working mostly via domain.
  31. AffBoat. Documentation is in the personal account. Lead sending link is similar to /api/v3/integration, status checks - /api/v3/get-leads. The list of fields contains link_id. Working mostly via domain.
  32. Axela. Lead sending link is similar to /api/v1/api-lead/create, status checks - /api/v1/api-lead/statistic. Header sends X-Secret-Key. The list of fields contains campaign_identifier. Working mostly via domain.
  33. Newton. Documentation is sent in PDF. Lead sending link is similar to /api/leadCreate, status checks - /api/leadsInfo.
  34. TdsGo. Documentation is in the personal account. Lead sending link is similar to /leads/create.php, status checks - /leads/search.php. The list of fields contains: campaing_id, a_aid, b_bid, c_cid.
  35. TdsGo v.2. The second version of TdsGo. Documentation is in the personal account. Lead sending link is similar to /v2/leads/create/, status checks - /v2/leads/get/. The list of fields contains: camp_id, utm_aid, utm_bid, utm_cid.
  36. Vibero. Documentation in Postman. Lead sending link is similar to /clients/lead, status checks - /clients/status. The list of fields to send contains marker.
  37. Elixir. Data for integration is sent in the message. Lead sending link is similar to /api/leads/add/send, status checks - /api/leads/web/.
  38. PROFTIT. Documentation is sent in PDF. The document has the heading PROFTIT Affiliates API Guide. The link for sending leads and checking statuses is similar to /api/user/v3/customers.
  39. JokerCRM. Documentation is sent in Google Docs. Sometimes the document title contains the word Joker. Lead sending link is similar to /partners/api/v1/client/create, status checks - /partners/api/v1/clients.
  40. MediaPro. Documentation in Swagger UI. Lead sending link is similar to /leads/register, status checks - /rest/affiliate/leads. The list of fields to send contains subAffiliate and tag.
  41. Hyper / MyAdsWorld. Documentation in Postman. Lead sending link is similar to /api/external/integration/lead, status checks - /api/external/integration/lead. The list of fields to send contains: affc, bxc и vtc.
  42. Pixel CRM. Documentation is in the personal account, a Pastebin link may be provided. Lead sending link is similar to /api/leads/add_lead/, status checks - /api/leads/get_leads_partner/. Working mostly via domain.
  43. SkyByte. Documentation is in the personal account. Lead sending link is similar to /crm/api/api_add_lead, status checks - /crm/api/api_get_leads_status.
  44. Trading Place. Data for integration is sent in the message. Lead sending link is similar to /api/leads/, status checks - /api/leads/id/.
  45. Unit. Documentation in Postman, title says AI UNIT API. Lead sending link is similar to /api/v1/users, status checks - /api/v1/users-list.
  46. Trackpilot. Documentation in Postman, title says TRACKPILOT API. Lead sending link is similar to /api/v1/lead, status checks - /api/v1/report. The headers use the x-trackpilot-xxx parameters. The list of fields contains funnel_lp and funnel_language.
  47. T-CRM. Documentation is sent to Google Docs. The work will be done through the domain. Lead sending link is similar to /api/partner-leads, status checks - /api/partner-leads.
  48. SendForm. Data for integration is sent in the message. Lead sending link is similar to /api/send-params-land, status checks - /api/lead-status. The list of fields contains: api, campaign, ext-campaign.
  49. Finantick. Provide a separate link to the documentation, title says Finantick Api. Lead sending link is similar to /rest/users-new, status checks - /rest/users. The list of fields contains: enabled, demo, campaign.
  50. OX Capital. Documentation in Postman. Lead sending link is similar to /api/affiliate/create-lead, status checks - /api/affiliate/get-lead-statuses. The list of fields contains: desk, offer_name, offer_description.
  51. GGG CRM. Access to the documentation is given by IP. The work will be done through the domain. The link for sending leads and checking statuses is similar to /gcrm/api/. The list of fields contains source_id and referrer.
  52. Monstrack. Documentation is sent in PDF. Lead sending link is similar to /api/system/v1/leads, status checks - /api/system/v1/leads/search. The list of fields contains subCampaign and placement.
  53. VSL. Provide a separate link to the documentation. The link for sending leads and checking statuses is similar to /api/leads. The list of fields contains offer_id.
  54. AvoCRM. Documentation in text file. The link for sending leads and checking statuses is similar to api/public/v1/leads. The work will be done through the domain.
  55. Brown CRM. Documentation in text file. Lead sending link is similar to /api/set_zaliv, status checks - /api/get_zaliv_all. The list of fields contains: user_id, afilat_id, api_key.
  56. StreetWise. Documentation is sent in PDF. The link for sending leads and checking statuses is similar to /api/guest/leads. The work will be done through the domain. The list of fields contains: api_token, funnel, offer, custom_param_1.
  57. FakeSelfMade CRM 1. There is no documentation, data for integration is sent in the message. Lead sending link is similar to /api/leads, status checks - /api/check. The list of fields contains: token, utm_source, utm_medium, utm_campaing, utm_content.
  58. FakeSelfMade CRM 2. Documentation in Postman. Lead sending link is similar to /api/crm/create_lead, status checks - /api/crm/get_lead_statuses. The list of fields contains: sub_id, desk_id, offer_name, offer_url.
  59. FakeSelfMade CRM 3. Documentation is sent in PDF. Lead sending link is similar to /api/import/users, status checks - /api/users.
  60. FakeSelfMade CRM 4. Provide a separate link to the documentation. The link for sending leads and checking statuses is similar to /lead/. Header sends x-api-key. The list of fields contains campaignId and hopper.

If you failed to find the necessary CRM either in standard networks or in our memo, you will have to do the integration manually.

All integrations are designed to automatically send a link to the site to identify the offer. The link is a landing page from the site repository. Some integrations also use the group parameter for the symbolic name of a group of offers.

Financial CRM integrations are templates and may require further development.

13 Buyers

Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • User: the user_id provided by the customer.
  • Source: the nickname from source provided by the customer.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.


Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • Link: the link_id provided by the customer.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.


Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • Campaign: identifier from campaignId, usually contained in the documentation.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.

ArionFX / ArionFX v.2

Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.


Settings for the integration utility:

  • API: the token provided by the customer.


Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the campaign_identifier value.

Brown CRM

Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain from the API link (usually IP address).
  • User: identifier from user_id provided by the customer.
  • AFILAT: identifier from afilat_id provided by the customer.
  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.


Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • Source: the numeric code of your traffic source, default 1.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.


Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.

DrTracker / DrMailer

Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived
  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • Password: the password provided by the customer.
  • Campaign: the CampaignID provided by the customer.


Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • BRAND: the brand identifier provided by the customer.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the offer identifier.
  • User: the affiliate ID provided by the customer.

FakeSelfMade CRM 1

Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.

FakeSelfMade CRM 2

Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • Login and password: the login data provided by the customer.
  • LANGUAGE: the language_id, provided by the customer.
  • DESK: the desk_id, provided by the customer.
  • Offer: the offer_id, provided by the customer.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.

FakeSelfMade CRM 3

Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.

FakeSelfMade CRM 4

Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • Campaign: identifier from campaignId provided by the customer.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.

Falcon / EcoSales / Natalia

Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • Login and password: the login data provided by the customer.


Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • User: identifier from client_id provided by the customer.
  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • Login and password: the login data provided by the customer.
  • Campaign: identifier from campaign provided by the customer.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.


Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.

FX Top Tech

Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • Login and password: the login data provided by the customer.
  • Owner: the identifier from OwnerId provided by the customer.
  • Campaign: the identifier from CampaignId, you can use {ofpg:group} to set the group name inside the offer parameters.


Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.

GetLinked / GetLinked v.2

Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.

GetLinked v.0

Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.


Settings for the integration utility:

  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.


Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • API: the token provided by the customer.


Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.

After setup: additional fields in "Sending new leads" and "Synchronous sending" with the names tp_aff_subXXX may be useful at the request of the customer.

Important: depending on the specifics of using the goal_type_id field, you may need to manually configure "Checking lead status by date range".

IREV (LD Lite)

Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • UUIDLEAD: the goal_type_uuid for all leads, provided by the customer.
  • UUIDFTD: the goal_type_uuid for FTD leads, provided by the customer.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.

After setup: additional fields in "Sending new leads" and "Synchronous sending" with the names aff_subXXX may be useful at the request of the customer.


Settings for the integration utility:

  • Login and password: the login data provided by the customer.


Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • Login and password: the login data provided by the customer.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.


Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like or, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • User: the affiliate ID provided by the customer.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.


Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • User: the subAffiliate provided by the customer.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.


Settings for the integration utility:

  • Subdomain: the xxx part from the project domain
  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.

Hyper / MyAdsWorld

Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • AFFC: the affiliate code provided by the customer.
  • BXC: the box code provided by the customer.
  • VTC: the vertical code provided by the customer.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.


Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • Owner: the affiliate ID provided by the customer.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.

OX Capital

Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • Login and password: the login data provided by the customer.
  • LANG: identifier from language provided by the customer.
  • DESK: identifier from desk provided by the customer.
  • Offer: identifier from offer provided by the customer.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.

Pixel CRM

Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain from API link.
  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • Campaign: the campaign_id provided by the customer (may be optional).
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.


Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.

After setup: additional fields in "Sending new leads" and "Synchronous sending" with the names tp_aff_subXXX may be useful at the request of the customer.


Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived (Base URL).
  • URL: the domain like for autologin link (Brand Site URL).
  • Login and password: the login data provided by the customer (API User and API Password).
  • PLATFORM: the identifier from Platform ID.
  • Currency: the currency identifier from currencyId field, default 1.
  • Group: the group identifier from tradingAccountGroupId field.
  • BRAND: the identifier from Brand ID.
  • Campaign: the identifier from Campaign ID.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.


Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived (Register Client).
  • URL: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived (GET PARTNER).
  • User: the user ID provided by the customer.
  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.

Profit Center FX

Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • Login and password: the login data provided by the customer.


Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • User: identifier from affiliate provided by the customer.
  • Source: identifier from source provided by the customer.
  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.


Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.


Settings for the integration utility:

  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.


Settings for the integration utility:

  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • Token: the campaign token provided by the customer.
  • Owner: the partner ID profided by the customer.
  • Campaign: the identifier from campaign_id provided by the customer.
  • Source: the identifier from source_id provided by the customer.


Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • Campaign: the name of the parameter that will store the campaing_id value.
  • URL: the domain like, which you get from the status checks link prodived.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.

TdsGo v.2

Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • Campaign: the name of the parameter that will store the camp_id value.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.


Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • Login and password: the login data provided by the customer.
  • AI, CI and GI: the special parameters provided by the customer.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.


Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • Key: the key (secret) provided by the customer.
  • Password: the login data provided by the customer.
  • API: the token (API) provided by the customer.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.

Trading Place

Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain from the API link (usually IP-address).
  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • DATABASE: the database_id provided by the customer.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.


Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • Login and password: the login data provided by the customer.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.


Settings for the integration utility:

  • Login and password: the login data provided by the customer.
  • UUID: the brand identifier provided by the customer.


Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • Source: the identifier from source provided by the customer.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.

UTip Client

Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • Login and password: the login data provided by the customer.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.

Parameters used:

  • desk - desk identifier for adding a lead.

UTip Lead

Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • Login and password: the login data provided by the customer.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.

Parameters used:

  • desk - desk identifier for adding a lead.

UTip LeadGen

Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • User: the affiliateId identifier provided by the customer.
  • DESK: the desk identifier provided by the customer.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.


Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • User: the user marker provided by the customer.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example vibero.


Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • API: the token provided by the customer.
  • Parameter: the name of the parameter that will store the name of the group of offers, for example group.


Settings for the integration utility:

  • Domain: the domain like, which you get from the API link prodived.
  • URL: the domain like, which you get from the status checks link prodived.
  • Hash: the set of characters from the send link immediately after ajax/.
  • Token: the token provided by the customer.