And again the fourth day of an even month, and again the release time of the fresh stable version of AlterCPA. Meet AlterCPA 19, shining in the spotlight! The latest TEEN version, we’ll make only serious MILFs further! In this issue you will find logistics, cost prices, dropshipping, subid and a bunch of nice little things.
Developer blog
Fresh news and updates of AlterCPA products, as well as unique information from the world of affiliate marketing, which will help you multiply your income in the traffic arbitrage industry.
AlterCPA One junk traffic filter
AlterCPA One is a cloud-based traffic filtering solution. We use smart analysis algorithms to understand if your site needs this visit or if it should be sent somewhere far away. We clean your traffic from spurious visits, search engine bots, social media crawlers and other unwanted individuals.
AlterCPA Moe – our free CRM for CPA
AlterCPA Moe – it is free, but at the same time a very good CRM system optimized to work in the CPA marketing. Suitable for processing leads by a call center, helping with the automation …
AlterCPA Pro v.18
I’m eighteen already! A stable AlterCPA version 18 was released. And the most important innovation in it, of course, was the discarded number three in the version number! And the rest of the fifty improvements – so, for an amateur. We will share the news with these amateurs.
Case: black lists for teaser traffic with AlterCPA One
The arbitrageurs have got it into their heads that teasers are dead and their whole life is centered on Facebook. Therefore, in teaser networks, the cost of traffic has decreased and the number of idiots has decreased. It’s time to pour! And in order to cast well, you need to type a black list of sites on which advertising clicks into nowhere. AlterCPA One will help us with this.
Case: protecting site from parsing with AlterCPA One
Have you created a unique landing page with high conversions? Don’t want your competitors to steal it? Accept it, it is guaranteed to be stolen. If a site can be seen by a targeted visitor, an attacker can always see it. But you can make the task as difficult as possible and raise the price for stealing your site by at least tenfold – from one to ten dollars. And AlterCPA One will help us with this.
AlterCPA v 3.17
We have developed a tradition of releasing new versions with reference to the holidays of the IT industry, and today would not be an exception if it were not for natural laziness! On the day of the system administrator, we did not have time to present to your attention the stable AlterCPA version 3.17, so according to another tradition, simply we will arrange it on the fourth of an even month! Summer versions are never famous with us for a special volume of functions, but we still have something to please you!
Hiding phones in a call center: why is it stupid?
The world is ruled by trends. As a rule, they are extremely dull. One of these trends is hiding numbers from commodity call center operators. I’ll tell you why this is a completely useless and pointless step that complicates your work and gets in the way of your life. The conclusion is at the very end of the article.
Importing CPC and calculating ROI in AlterCPA
Starting with version 3.17, a very convenient feature has appeared in AlterCPA Pro: we upload information about the costs of advertising campaigns and get deep analytics of costs and ROI in the context of all AlterCPA multi-level reports. I will tell you how to use this tool and what pitfalls will meet you on the way to total financial accounting.
AlterCPA v 3.16
All self-isolation measures in Russia are slowly coming to an end and the time has come for the stable version of AlterCPA v 3.16 to emerge from deep isolation! This time, without reference to any holiday from the IT sphere, but next time we will definitely fix it. In the new version, we are waiting for multi-currency, direct parking, cloaking, site archives and TikTok pixel! We are a little ashamed of it, but we simply had no choice!
Parking domain to Smartlink
Smartlinks are gaining more and more popularity in the CPA sphere every day. As you know, smartlinks work through a redirect, and Facebook and other advertising services really dislike it. I will tell you how to get rid of redirects in park a domain directly to a smartlink.
AlterCPA v 3.15
While the chaos caused by the coronavirus reigns in the world, we try to stay calm and keep working on AlterCPA! And today, on International Webmaster Day, we present to your attention AlterCPA version 3.15! In this version, we took the first steps towards dropshipping and added a bunch of useful little things.
New WatchCat search
Our free offer monitoring service AlterCPA WatchCat painstakingly collects an event database from the first networks that came under its gaze! In the couple of months since the test launch, we extracted one and a half tens of thousands of offers, almost forty thousand goals and far beyond the hundred thousand changes that managed to happen to them. The sentinel cat does not doze off and immediately sends notifications to all interested subscribers.
AlterCPA v 3.14
The PI time came! We have prepared for you a stable release of AlterCPA Pro version 3.14 with a bunch of pleasant and useful innovations. As always, we carried out titanic work to celebrate all types of the New Year and Christmas, including any associated holidays, so at first glance it might seem that we do not have enough updates!
AlterCPA WatchCat
Speaking of cats … We present to your attention our new project – a service for monitoring offers and payments AlterCPA WatchCat! This is another secret project of our team, which we decided to share with the world. Unlike AutoCall, here we fully imagine why it is needed and how it can facilitate the work of resellers and arbitration teams. Yes, and also large affiliates come in handy.