Today we decided to reveal to the world the secret tool of our top users working as merchants and call centers – AlterCPA AutoCall! This tool turned out to be so secret that we ourselves sometimes do not understand why the hell is it needed …
Developer blog
Fresh news and updates of AlterCPA products, as well as unique information from the world of affiliate marketing, which will help you multiply your income in the traffic arbitrage industry.
AlterCPA v 3.13
Friday the thirteenth! What to expect from this day? Of course, the fresh release of AlterCPA v 3.13! Everyone knows that installing updates on Friday is in trouble, and installing the thirteenth version on Friday 13th is for a fun weekend! And now we’ll tell you what two months of development took to make the weekend fun especially rampant!
Six years, operating normally
Today, December 13th, is a very important day for AlterCPA and our entire team! You can call it a birthday! Exactly six years ago, an idea was born and a project started, which a couple of years later transformed into the affiliate network platform AlterCPA Professional!
AlterCPA v 3.12
Xoxo everyone! Our beloved AlterCPA received a stable version 3.12, one of the innovations of which came as a surprise even to me, the leading developer of the platform! But first things first. What is new waiting for you in this release?
AlterCPA v 3.11 for Workgroups
Summer is still in full swing, but wanders somewhere outside the central part of Russia, which means it’s time to warm up with a cup of hot mulled wine and throw a couple of thousand lines of new code. The long-awaited AlterCPA v 3.11 for Workgroups has come out in a stable release!
What is shaving and how to do it right
Shaving is quite a sensible issue in affiliate networks indeed. Everybody shaves, that’s a fact. And you can find it very difficult to argue. Shaving is a natural part of our lives, we enjoy it. And it’s not a problem for our partners if they don’t know about it. But gentlemen don’t usually discuss such things in public.
American and European CPA models
From the point of view of a simple man in the street, almost all affiliate networks look the same: we create the traffic and get paid for conversions … or for leads. This is where an interesting aspect arises that rarely interests webmasters, suppliers, network owners, but delivers a lot of ass-pain to technical staff.
Improved logistics for AlterCPA and CPAmoe
The AlterCPA platform allows you to track the delivery of parcels of your product traffic and control the buyout in automatic mode. The built-in types of delivery at the time of this writing do not provide extensive freedom of action in the field of logistics. And for organizing various delivery schemes designed to deceive courier and postal services, it will never support it. Therefore, our way out is to expand the possibilities of logistics with our own efforts or to implement “schematosis”.
AlterCPA v 3.10
Summer is in full swing, people are enjoying the warmth and sunshine, swimming and sunbathing, and we as idiots are preparing for you another stable release of AlterVision CPA Professional v 3.10! If you are already subscribed to our twitter or a Telegram channel – we will not surprise you with anything, because you are already aware of all the updates in real time! Yes, this is a very fatty hint, even fatter than the lead AlterCPA developer! For everyone else, we have something to show – the release turned out to be extremely serious!
AlterCPA v 3.9
The time has come for the next stable release of the AlterVision CPA Platform v 3.9! The main improvements of this version touched the improvement of the call center and the introduction of new call modes.
AlterCPA v 3.8
It is finished – you have completely stopped poking us with a wand while waiting for a new version, rightly deciding that we are most likely dead. We are in a hurry to disappoint you – we have a stable release of AlterVision CPA Platform v 3.8!
AlterCPA v 3.7
Most recently, on December 13, five years have passed since the start of the project, which has now turned into AlterCPA! And within this wonderful event, we present you a new version of the AlterVision CPA Platform v 3.7!
TLDR: CPA affiliate networks
When my friends and relatives, who are not very much into traffic arbitrage ask me: “What do you do?” – I usually can’t give a straight answer. After a few so-so explanations they get a thought that I sell penis extenders on the internet. That’s why I made up my mind to scrawl an article. It can easily be referred to if you want to give a brief explanation of main notions of affiliate networks and whatever they are used with.
How to protect your info-course from stealing
So, it finally happened. You have finally made up your mind to develop your own info-course. Let’s suppose that you really possess some consecrated knowledge or perhaps you’ve reached the very core of a certain issue. And this is not another walkthrough on how to get the first million by selling a thousand tickets to a seminar for a thousand dollars. You long for sharing your knowledge with the world and surely want to earn your bread with some very good butter. But you are overcome with fear. How can you prevent your knowledge from being stolen? Today I am going to tell you about a few reliable security methods that will help you not become broke.
Ideal CPA: quick start guide
Creating your affiliate network is a bit more complicated process than it might seem at first glance. In this section, we will try to talk about everything in stages and show you unforeseen costs and pitfalls along the way.